I have been developing a WordPress theme. I want to be able to, once activated, look to see if there is already a menu created in the backend. If it exists then choose it and use as the primary menu, but otherwise create a new menu with the top level pages already in existence and register it as the primary menu.
I can’t seem to find much on this, can anyone shed any light?
We have found some code that checks the current default menu listed below
add_action( 'after_switch_theme', 'mytheme_menu_fix' );
function mytheme_menu_fix() {
$old_theme = get_option( 'theme_switched' );
$old_theme_mods = get_option("theme_mods_{$old_theme}");
$old_theme_navs = $old_theme_mods['nav_menu_locations'];
$new_theme_navs = get_theme_mod( 'nav_menu_locations' );
if (!$new_theme_navs) {
$new_theme_locations = get_registered_nav_menus();
foreach ($new_theme_locations as $location => $description ) {
$new_theme_navs[$location] = $old_theme_navs[$location];
set_theme_mod( 'nav_menu_locations', $new_theme_navs );
This works fine, all we need to sort now is if no primary nav is selected. I.E. on a fresh install of the theme