I need to create a user comment form with three text areas and then display them in comments. I don’t know where to start – cannot find any plugin but would like to code it anyway. Any pointers much appreciated.

2 Answers
To add new fields, simply append them to the default fields with a plugin.
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) AND exit;
/* Plugin Name: (#85059) Append form fields to comment form */
add_filter( 'comment_form_default_fields', 'wpse85059_comment_form_extd', 100 );
function wpse85059_comment_form_extd( $fields )
// Append new fields …
if ( 'comment_form_default_fields' === current_filter() )
foreach ( array( 'ctax_1', 'ctax_2', 'ctax_3' ) as $ctax )
$fields[] = "<input value="{$ctax}" name="{$ctax}" />";
return $fields;
Then there’s also the possibility to use comment meta data. More about it can be read in the Codex.
To attach the meta data, you can hook into an action:
add_filter( 'comment_id_fields', 'wpse85059_comment_meta_fields', 10, 3 );
function wpse85059_comment_meta_fields( $result, $id, $replytoid )
add_action ( 'comment_post', 'wpse85059_comment_meta', 1 );
foreach ( array( 'ctax_1', 'ctax_2', 'ctax_3' ) as $ctax )
$result .= "<input value="{$ctax}" name="{$ctax}" />";
return $result;
function wpse85059_comment_meta( $comment_id )
// Only run once
remove_filter( current_filter(), __FUNCTION__ );
foreach ( array( 'ctax_1', 'ctax_2', 'ctax_3' ) as $ctax )
,$_POST[ $ctax ]
Note: This is not tested, but should give you a starting point.