Must permalinks always point to single post pages?

Suppose that I have a blog with few posts per month, and no comments, and I don’t want to show posts in single post pages, but always “in context” (say, together with the posts in its month – or perhaps a week?). To accomplish this, I’d need to use permalinks with fragment identifiers (#), among other things. I wonder if this is supported, or if someone can point me to some resource or discussion.

Edited: I posted in my own answer the details of my implementation.

3 Answers

There are two hooks named 'pre_post_link' and 'post_link'. Their first argument – which you can change – is the permalink. So …

add_filter( 'pre_post_link', 'wpse_42406_change_permalink', 10, 2 );

function wpse_42406_change_permalink( $permalink, $post )
    // change the permalink, let it point to an archive etc.
    return $permalink;

… will change the output.

In your loop you probably use something like …

<li id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">

Your permalink could then point to the archive page of your choice plus #post-$post->ID. For example:

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