Page naming when there is a sub-category only sometimes.

I need help with understanding page naming to display a sub-category which only occurs only sometimes. I also need to understand if I need to create a custom Taxonomy to achieve this? I am using CPT UI plugin.

I have a CPT, called APPLES.

All of my main apple parent types are displaying as images on archive-apple.php. (maybe this should be page?). I will then click on the image of the parent apple type I want to know more about and I will see a sub-page of images/information about that specific kind of Apple.

Sometimes that individual Apple parent will have two or three variations of the main parent Apple. So an intermediary page with two sub-type images must display giving me the choice of what sub-type I want to see.

Here is a diagram to explain what I am trying to do. Please and thank you for any help.

enter image description here

1 Answer

What do u mean by:

Page naming

?? If you are after a way to implement this situation, then here you go:

You have 2 options:

1st Option


'hierarchical'                  => false

while registering your apples post type, using register_post_type. Then, you will have the option to put apples posts, as parents and children, using the post edit page.

2nd Option:


function add_apples_cat_taxonomy(){
            'label' => __( 'Apples category' ),
            'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'apples_cat' ),
            'hierarchical' => true

add_action( 'init', 'add_apples_cat_taxonomy' );

to add an post_type dependent taxonomy named apples_category, and use it to expand the desired hirearchy.

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