Provide specific example for block variation

I’m generating block variations on top of the “native” Gutenberg blocks (eg. core/***).
For example, I have a “catchphrase” block, which is a variation of the paragraph block (core/paragraph):

import { addFilter } from "@wordpress/hooks";

const paragraphSettings = (settings, name) => {
  if (name !== "core/paragraph") {
    return settings;
  settings.variations = [{
      icon: "sticky",
      name: "catchphrase",
      title: "Catchphrase title",
      description: "Catchphrase description",
      attributes: {
        variation: "catchphrase"
      isActive: (blockAttributes, variationAttributes) => { 
        return blockAttributes.variation === "catchphrase"
  return settings;


So far, this works great: the variation appears in the block inserter and is fully functional.

I want to go further and provide a different example for my catchphrase block & the paragraph block. As stated in the official WP documentation, we can supposedly use the example field to achieve this:

example (optional, type Object) – Example provides structured data for the block preview. You can set to undefined to disable the preview shown for the block type.

So I tried to add the following to the variation object:

example: {
  attributes: {
    variation: "catchphrase",
    content: "This is a catchphrase."

This way, settings.variations looks like this:

settings.variations = [{
      icon: "sticky",
      name: "catchphrase",
      title: "Catchphrase title",
      description: "Catchphrase description",
      attributes: {
        variation: "catchphrase"
      example: {
        attributes: {
          variation: "catchphrase",
          content: "This is a catchphrase."
      isActive: (blockAttributes, variationAttributes) => { 
        return blockAttributes.variation === "catchphrase"

Unfortunately, the example of the variation is not changed. I even tried to set the example field to undefined, but the example is still here, showing the core/paragraph example.

I’m running WP 5.9 on a fresh install.

Does this feature even work? Is there something I am missing? Any advice is appreciated.


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