Putting a simple if-then-else statement on one line [duplicate]

I’m just getting into Python and I really like the terseness of the syntax. However, is there an easier way of writing an ifthenelse statement so it fits on one line?

For example:

if count == N:
    count = 0
    count = N + 1

Is there a simpler way of writing this? I mean, in Objective-C I would write this as:

count = count == N ? 0 : count + 1;

Is there something similar for Python?


I know that in this instance I can use count == (count + 1) % N.

I’m asking about the general syntax.


That’s more specifically a ternary operator expression than an if-then, here’s the python syntax

value_when_true if condition else value_when_false

Better Example: (thanks Mr. Burns)

'Yes' if fruit == 'Apple' else 'No'

Now with assignment and contrast with if syntax

isApple = True if fruit == 'Apple' else False


isApple = False
if fruit == 'Apple' : isApple = True

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