query_vars Filter: Would You Ever Use It When $_GET is Available and You Don’t Need a ‘Pretty’ URL?

I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the uses cases/best practice for the ‘query_vars’ filter, and query_vars in general, when I could use the $_GET global instead.

Given http://example.com/my-page/?mykey=myvalue:

  • If I’m not altering the query, I understand that it wouldn’t be appropriate to add ‘mykey’ as a query var.
  • But if I AM going to alter the query using the ‘pre_get_posts’ hook, I can still grab ‘mykey’ from the $_GET global and use it without issue, provided I don’t care about pretty permalinks and am not rewriting the URL. Is there some reason I shouldn’t be using $_GET in this case?


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