React Router with optional path parameter

I want to declare a path with an optional path parameter, hence when I add it the page to do something extra (e.g. fill some data):

http://localhost/app/path/to/page <= render the page
http://localhost/app/path/to/page/pathParam <= render the page with
some data according to the pathParam

In my react router I have the following paths, in order to support the two options (this is a simplified example):

<Router history={history}>    
   <Route path="/path" component={IndexPage}>
      <Route path="to/page" component={MyPage}/>
      <Route path="to/page/:pathParam" component={MyPage}/>

My question is, can we declare it in one route? If I add only the second row then the route without the parameter is not found.


The solution mentioned here about the following syntax did not work for me, is it a proper one? Does it exist in the documentation?

<Route path="/product/:productName/?:urlID?" handler={SomeHandler} />

My react-router version is: 1.0.3

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