ReactiveCocoa vs RxSwift – pros and cons?

So now with swift, the ReactiveCocoa people have rewritten it in version 3.0 for swift

Also, there’s been another project spun up called RxSwift.

I wonder if people could add information about what the differences in design/api/philosophy of the two frameworks are (please, in the spirit of SO, stick to things which are true, rather than opinions about which is “best”)

[Note for StackOverflow mods: This question DOES have definitive answers, the answer is the differences between the two frameworks. I think it is also highly on topic for SO]

To get started, my initial impression from reading their ReadMe’s is:

  • As someone who is familiar with the “real” C# Rx from microsoft, RxSwift looks a lot more recognisable.
  • ReactiveCococa seems to have gone off into it’s own space now, introducing new abstractions such as Signals vs SignalProducers and Lifting. On the one hand this seems to clarify some situations (what’s a Hot vs Cold signal) but on the other hand this seems to increase the complexity of the framework a LOT

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