Have you taken into account the header which should (according to the spec) precede the IFD block you’re talking about?
I looked through the spec and it says the first IFD block follows the 16 byte header. So if we read bytes 16 and 17 (at offset 0x10 hex) we should get the number of entries in the first IFD block. Then we just have to search through each entry until we find a matching tag id which (as I read it) gives us the byte offset of your date / time string.
This works for me:
from struct import *
def FindDateTimeOffsetFromCR2( buffer, ifd_offset ):
# Read the number of entries in IFD #0
(num_of_entries,) = unpack_from('H', buffer, ifd_offset)
print "ifd #0 contains %d entries"%num_of_entries
# Work out where the date time is stored
datetime_offset = -1
for entry_num in range(0,num_of_entries-1):
(tag_id, tag_type, num_of_value, value) = unpack_from('HHLL', buffer, ifd_offset+2+entry_num*12)
if tag_id == 0x0132:
print "found datetime at offset %d"%value
datetime_offset = value
return datetime_offset
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open("IMG_6113.CR2", "rb") as f:
buffer = f.read(1024) # read the first 1kb of the file should be enough to find the date / time
datetime_offset = FindDateTimeOffsetFromCR2(buffer, 0x10)
print unpack_from(20*'s', buffer, datetime_offset)
Output for my example file is:
ifd #0 contains 14 entries
found datetime at offset 250
('2', '0', '1', '0', ':', '0', '8', ':', '0', '1', ' ', '2', '3', ':', '4', '5', ':', '4', '6', '\x00')
[edit] – a revised / more thorough example
from struct import *
recognised_tags = {
0x0100 : 'imageWidth',
0x0101 : 'imageLength',
0x0102 : 'bitsPerSample',
0x0103 : 'compression',
0x010f : 'make',
0x0110 : 'model',
0x0111 : 'stripOffset',
0x0112 : 'orientation',
0x0117 : 'stripByteCounts',
0x011a : 'xResolution',
0x011b : 'yResolution',
0x0128 : 'resolutionUnit',
0x0132 : 'dateTime',
0x8769 : 'EXIF',
0x8825 : 'GPS data'};
def GetHeaderFromCR2( buffer ):
# Unpack the header into a tuple
header = unpack_from('HHLHBBL', buffer)
print "\nbyte_order = 0x%04X"%header[0]
print "tiff_magic_word = %d"%header[1]
print "tiff_offset = 0x%08X"%header[2]
print "cr2_magic_word = %d"%header[3]
print "cr2_major_version = %d"%header[4]
print "cr2_minor_version = %d"%header[5]
print "raw_ifd_offset = 0x%08X\n"%header[6]
return header
def FindDateTimeOffsetFromCR2( buffer, ifd_offset, endian_flag ):
# Read the number of entries in IFD #0
(num_of_entries,) = unpack_from(endian_flag+'H', buffer, ifd_offset)
print "Image File Directory #0 contains %d entries\n"%num_of_entries
# Work out where the date time is stored
datetime_offset = -1
# Go through all the entries looking for the datetime field
print " id | type | number | value "
for entry_num in range(0,num_of_entries):
# Grab this IFD entry
(tag_id, tag_type, num_of_value, value) = unpack_from(endian_flag+'HHLL', buffer, ifd_offset+2+entry_num*12)
# Print out the entry for information
print "%04X | %04X | %08X | %08X "%(tag_id, tag_type, num_of_value, value),
if tag_id in recognised_tags:
print recognised_tags[tag_id]
# If this is the datetime one we're looking for, make a note of the offset
if tag_id == 0x0132:
assert tag_type == 2
assert num_of_value == 20
datetime_offset = value
return datetime_offset
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open("IMG_6113.CR2", "rb") as f:
# read the first 1kb of the file should be enough to find the date/time
buffer = f.read(1024)
# Grab the various parts of the header
(byte_order, tiff_magic_word, tiff_offset, cr2_magic_word, cr2_major_version, cr2_minor_version, raw_ifd_offset) = GetHeaderFromCR2(buffer)
# Set the endian flag
endian_flag = '@'
if byte_order == 0x4D4D:
# motorola format
endian_flag = '>'
elif byte_order == 0x4949:
# intel format
endian_flag = '<'
# Search for the datetime entry offset
datetime_offset = FindDateTimeOffsetFromCR2(buffer, 0x10, endian_flag)
datetime_string = unpack_from(20*'s', buffer, datetime_offset)
print "\nDatetime: "+"".join(datetime_string)+"\n"