Redirect “any page/page/number/” to “any page”

I’ve read so many similar topics but none of them matches my own request.

I’d like to redirect in ht.access any page with pagination to the root-main-original page.
redirected to
redirected to
redirected to

Can you help?

1 Answer

I’d like to redirect in ht.access

To clarify, it’s .htaccess, not ht.access.

You can do something like the following at the top of the .htaccess file, before the existing WordPress directvies:

RewriteRule (.*/)page/\d+/?$ /$1 [R=302,L]

The above issues a 302 (temporary) redirect for any URL of the form /<something>/page/<number>/ (trailing slash optional) to /<something>/.

The $1 backreference contains the captured URL-path before the page/<number>/ part at the end of the URL-path.

Always test with a 302, even if this should be a 301 (permanent) redirect later.

There is no need to repeat the RewriteEngine directive, since that should already appear later in the file.

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