I’m trying to parse the following kind of string:

[key:"val" key2:"val2"]

where there are arbitrary key:”val” pairs inside. I want to grab the key name and the value.
For those curious I’m trying to parse the database format of task warrior.

Here is my test string:

[description:"aoeu" uuid:"123sth"]

which is meant to highlight that anything can be in a key or value aside from space, no spaces around the colons, and values are always in double quotes.

In node, this is my output:

[deuteronomy][gatlin][~]$ node
> var re = /^\[(?:(.+?):"(.+?)"\s*)+\]$/g
> re.exec('[description:"aoeu" uuid:"123sth"]');
[ '[description:"aoeu" uuid:"123sth"]',
  index: 0,
  input: '[description:"aoeu" uuid:"123sth"]' ]

But description:"aoeu" also matches this pattern. How can I get all matches back?

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