Remove an action from an external Class

I’m trying to do something similar to this question here: remove_action or remove_filter with external classes?

I’m trying to remove the

<!-- This site is optimized with the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin v1.0.3 - http;// -->

message from the plugin.

And before you yell at me about how this may be unethical the author says it’s okay to do here:

I have found the class that adds the comment here:

Basically the WPSEO_Frontend class has a function named debug_marker which is then called by a function named head which is then added to wp_head in __Construct

I’m new to classes but I found a way to completely remove the head by doing

global $wpseo_front;    
remove_action( 'wp_head', array($wpseo_front,'head'), 1, 1 );

but I only want to remove the debug_marker part from it. I tried this but it dosen’t work
remove_action( 'wp_head', array($wpseo_front,'head','debug_marker'), 1, 1 );

As I said I’m new to classes so any help would be great.

10 s

A simple way to achieve this (but without the Class approach) is by filtering the output of wp_head action hook using the output buffering.

In your theme’s header.php, wrap the wp_head() call with ob_start($cb) and ob_end_flush(); functions like:


Now in theme functions.php file, declare your output callback function (ad_filter_wp_head_output in this case):

function ad_filter_wp_head_output($output) {
    if (defined('WPSEO_VERSION')) {
        $output = str_ireplace('<!-- This site is optimized with the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin v' . WPSEO_VERSION . ' - -->', '', $output);
        $output = str_ireplace('<!-- / Yoast WordPress SEO plugin. -->', '', $output);
    return $output;

If you want to do all that through the functions.php without editing header.php file, you can hook to get_header and wp_head action hooks to define the output buffering session:

add_action('get_header', 'ad_ob_start');
add_action('wp_head', 'ad_ob_end_flush', 100);
function ad_ob_start() {
function ad_ob_end_flush() {
function ad_filter_wp_head_output($output) {
    if (defined('WPSEO_VERSION')) {
        $output = str_ireplace('<!-- This site is optimized with the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin v' . WPSEO_VERSION . ' - -->', '', $output);
        $output = str_ireplace('<!-- / Yoast WordPress SEO plugin. -->', '', $output);
    return $output;

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