What is the preferred method for returning null values in JSON? Is there a different preference for primitives?
For example, if my object on the server has an Integer called “myCount” with no value, the most correct JSON for that value would be:
"myCount": null
"myCount": 0
Same question for Strings – if I have a null string “myString” on the server, is the best JSON:
"myString": null
"myString": ""
or (lord help me)
"myString": "null"
I like the convention for collections to be represented in the JSON as an empty collection http://jtechies.blogspot.nl/2012/07/item-43-return-empty-arrays-or.html
An empty Array would be represented:
"myArray": []
EDIT Summary
The ‘personal preference’ argument seems realistic, but short sighted in that, as a community we will be consuming an ever greater number of disparate services/sources. Conventions for JSON structure would help normalize consumption and reuse of said services. As far as establishing a standard, I would suggest adopting most of the Jackson conventions with a few exceptions:
- Objects are preferred over primitives.
- Empty collections are preferred over null.
- Objects with no value are represented as null.
- Primitives return their value.
If you are returning a JSON object with mostly null values, you may have a candidate for refactoring into multiple services.
"value1": null,
"value2": null,
"text1": null,
"text2": "hello",
"intValue": 0, //use primitive only if you are absolutely sure the answer is 0
"myList": [],
"myEmptyList": null, //NOT BEST PRACTICE - return [] instead
"boolean1": null, //use primitive only if you are absolutely sure the answer is true/false
"littleboolean": false
The above JSON was generated from the following Java class.
package jackson;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
public class JacksonApp {
public static class Data {
public Integer value1;
public Integer value2;
public String text1;
public String text2 = "hello";
public int intValue;
public List<Object> myList = new ArrayList<Object>();
public List<Object> myEmptyList;
public Boolean boolean1;
public boolean littleboolean;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
System.out.println(mapper.writeValueAsString(new Data()));
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