Return a `struct` from a function in C

Today I was teaching a couple of friends how to use C structs. One of them asked if you could return a struct from a function, to which I replied: “No! You’d return pointers to dynamically malloced structs instead.”

Coming from someone who primarily does C++, I was expecting not be able to return structs by values. In C++ you can overload the operator = for your objects and makes complete sense to have a function to return your object by value. In C, however, you do not have that option and so it got me thinking what the compiler is actually doing. Consider the following:

struct MyObj{
    double x, y;

struct MyObj foo(){
    struct MyObj a;
    a.x = 10;
    a.y = 10;
    return a;

int main () {

    struct MyObj a;
    a = foo();    // This DOES work
    struct b = a; // This does not work
    return 0;

I understand why struct b = a; should not work — you cannot overload operator = for your data type. How is it that a = foo(); compiles fine? Does it mean something other than struct b = a;? Maybe the question to ask is: What exactly does the return statement in conjunction to = sign do?

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