I’m using the Custom Comment plugin to add custom fields to my comments.
This plugin lets you define more fields for comment to let your visitors include their facebook, twitter and … in their comments
Everything is working as expected. However, the custom fields don’t show up when I edit a comment in the admin side. Currently it only shows the default fields – name
, email
, url
, comment
Is there an action or a filter that can be used to show this comments custom fields?
Inserting a meta box in the Comment edit screen is the same as in the post types screens. But it can only be placed on the wide column, the sidebar seems not to accept other boxes.
To capture the data that’s being posted, I only found the filter comment_edit_redirect
This has to be adapted to work with the plugin. The custom field in this example is meta_comment_field
. See code comments:
// only found this hook to process the POST
add_filter( 'comment_edit_redirect', 'save_comment_wpse_82317', 10, 2 );
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'add_custom_box_wpse_82317' );
* Save Custom Comment Field
* This hook deals with the redirect after saving, we are only taking advantage of it
function save_comment_wpse_82317( $location, $comment_id )
// Not allowed, return regular value without updating meta
if ( !wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['noncename_wpse_82317'], plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) )
&& !isset( $_POST['meta_comment_field'] )
return $location;
// Update meta
sanitize_text_field( $_POST['meta_comment_field'] )
// Return regular value after updating
return $location;
* Add Comment meta box
function add_custom_box_wpse_82317()
__( 'Meta Comment Meta' ),
* Render meta box with Custom Field
function inner_custom_box_wpse_82317( $comment )
// Use nonce for verification
wp_nonce_field( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), 'noncename_wpse_82317' );
$c_meta = get_comment_meta( $comment->comment_ID, 'meta_comment_field', true );
echo "<input type="text" id='meta_comment_field' name="meta_comment_field" value="",
esc_attr( $c_meta ),
"" size="25" />";