SVG image upload stopped working

I have a client website that has the mime type support for SVG’s added in the functions file. We’ve been uploading svg’s for over a year. Suddenly it stopped working and is showing the “for security reasons this file is not allowed” – I’m stumped on what to check next to try and debug it.

2 Answers

By default, WP does not allow SVG uploads, and you should get that error. Preventing SVG uploads is a security feature (which I explain below). I can’t help you debug your function, because that is beyond my expertise, but I can suggest a work around.

You can use a plugin like SafeSVG ( to enable SVG, but use caution: it exposes you to risks. SVG files can be used as a way of taking over control of your site. If you install the plugin and enable SVG upload you should be able to restore your ability to upload the SVGs. However, I recommend, for security reasons you restrict access to the plugin to the administrator in your functions.php file. If you have users that have upload capacities, they could hack/corrupt/compromise your site with SVGS, so be careful!

UPDATE 1: Because of your question, I just discovered that even safeSVG (which I had been using) stopped working. It seems that SVG upload (an maybe even upload of some other file types) has been broken by the recent WP 4.7.1 update. There is a discussion about it here:

There are a number of solutions in that discussion, and some appear to be safer than others. I haven’t tested them though. It is a start. I’m glad I ran across your question. Thanks!

UPDATE 2: Here is a plugin that a commenter below suggested to temporarily allow this, but I cannot vouch for the safety:

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