Taxonomy: Why ‘with_front’ => false DOES NOT WORK?

Seriously, why 'with_front' => false does not work as it should be? It is supposed to remove TAXONOMY BASE NAME and my question is why it does not work?

I just dont want the taxonamy base slug appear in my URL and codex says 'with_front' => false should help but it does not. Leaving the slug empty like 'slug'=> '' generates 404 error.

register_taxonomy("tax_categories", array("products"), array(
    "hierarchical" => true,
    "label" => "Categories",
    "singular_label" => "Category",
    "show_ui" => true,
    'update_count_callback' => '_update_post_term_count',
    "rewrite" => array(     
        'with_front' => false,      
        'hierarchical' => true      

This issue supposed to be fixed

Please help to understand that. Thank you.


All with_front does is toggle whether or not a taxonomy link can have something else in front of it ie extra permalink stuff from the permalinks options page. For example with_front set to true makes this possible:

with it set to false, all you can do is:

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