Theme Options page not showing up in admin menu

I’m currently developing a WordPress theme and would like it to have a preferences pane in order to specify the user’s Google Analytics tracking code for example.

Following the instructions I got on the Codex and multiple tutorials, this piece of code placed in the functions.php file should create a submenu of the ‘Appearence’ section and display either “Theme preferences” if the user has the ‘manage_options’ capability, or “You shall not pass.” if not.

// Add theme settings link in the admin section menu

function add_appearance_menu() {
    add_theme_page('Theme preferences', 'Theme pref.', 'manage-options', 'interact-theme-settings', 'render_theme_settings');

add_action('admin_menu', 'add_appearance_menu');

// Render theme settings page

function render_theme_settings() {
    if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {
    wp_die(__('You shall not pass.'));
    echo "Theme preferences";

However, nothing new appears in my admin menu and when I try to access the page manually (, it displays this error message:

You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.

…which in any way is not the “You shall not pass” message that I specified in my render-theme_settings() function.

Can someone please explain me what’s wrong with my code? Thanks in advance for your help 🙂

EDIT: I would like to point out that -of course- the user I’m testing all this with HAS the ‘manage_options’ capability.

1 Answer

manage-options should be manage_options.
Try this:

 add_theme_page('Theme preferences', 'Theme pref.', 'manage_options', 'interact-theme-settings', 'render_theme_settings');

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