I’ve seen many people use the following code:
Type t = typeof(obj1);
if (t == typeof(int))
// Some code here
But I know you could also do this:
if (obj1.GetType() == typeof(int))
// Some code here
Or this:
if (obj1 is int)
// Some code here
Personally, I feel the last one is the cleanest, but is there something I’m missing? Which one is the best to use, or is it personal preference?
All are different.
takes a type name (which you specify at compile time).
gets the runtime type of an instance.
returns true if an instance is in the inheritance tree.
class Animal { }
class Dog : Animal { }
void PrintTypes(Animal a) {
Console.WriteLine(a.GetType() == typeof(Animal)); // false
Console.WriteLine(a is Animal); // true
Console.WriteLine(a.GetType() == typeof(Dog)); // true
Console.WriteLine(a is Dog); // true
Dog spot = new Dog();
What about typeof(T)
? Is it also resolved at compile time?
Yes. T is always what the type of the expression is. Remember, a generic method is basically a whole bunch of methods with the appropriate type. Example:
string Foo<T>(T parameter) { return typeof(T).Name; }
Animal probably_a_dog = new Dog();
Dog definitely_a_dog = new Dog();
Foo(probably_a_dog); // this calls Foo<Animal> and returns "Animal"
Foo<Animal>(probably_a_dog); // this is exactly the same as above
Foo<Dog>(probably_a_dog); // !!! This will not compile. The parameter expects a Dog, you cannot pass in an Animal.
Foo(definitely_a_dog); // this calls Foo<Dog> and returns "Dog"
Foo<Dog>(definitely_a_dog); // this is exactly the same as above.
Foo<Animal>(definitely_a_dog); // this calls Foo<Animal> and returns "Animal".
Foo((Animal)definitely_a_dog); // this does the same as above, returns "Animal"