As all plugin developer, I want to delete all options that begin with the same prefix.
I’ve developed a plugin that stores data in the options. When the user uninstalls the plugin, the uninstall.php
in the plugin executes the following code:
if ( !defined( 'WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN' ) ) {
delete_option( 'myplugin_some_opt_1' );
delete_option( 'myplugin_some_opt_2' );
delete_option( 'myplugin_some_opt_3' );
delete_option( 'myplugin_some_opt_4' );
Since all of the options start with myplugin_
, I want to implement a wildcard. Logicall, I assume that it would look something like this:
if ( !defined( 'WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN' ) ) {
delete_option( 'myplugin_*' );
2 s
Replace “myplugin_” with your prefix:
global $wpdb;
$plugin_options = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT option_name FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE 'myplugin_%'" );
foreach( $plugin_options as $option ) {
delete_option( $option->option_name );