Using development versions of jQuery, TinyMCE, …?

Is there a plugin or another easy way to get debug versions of the external Javascript libraries? (“External” because they were not written by the WordPress team, not because they come from Google or another CDN).

If I define the SCRIPT_DEBUG constant to true, I get debug (non-minified) versions of most Javascript files in WordPress. However, some external libraries are still using the minified versions (check wp_default_scripts() for the scripts that don’t have the $suffix part in their URL). I am creating a TinyMCE plugin and thus it would be handy to have the full TinyMCE source code when stepping up and down the call stack while debugging. (I know TinyMCE is loaded in an even more special way, but I’m also thinking of the jQuery library, which uses the standard wp_register_script() method.)

I know that TinyMCE can be loaded as a compressed or a non-compressed Javascript, but both of these versions have been minified first, so that is not what I want. I want to load a non-minified version of TinyMCE, and possibly also the non-minified versions of the plugins.

3 Answers

I created a version for TinyMCE, it was not too hard. The trick was to hijack includes_url, this was the only way to change the path to the TinyMCE script.

I created a plugin that has non-minified versions of TinyMCE 3.2.7 (WP 2.9 and 3.0) and (WP 3.1). You can download it via Dropbox, let me know what you think!

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