Version Control: Entire site or just pieces?

I’ve been using git to track changes in the plugins and themes I’ve developed for different sites. Each plugin or theme has their own repository in whichever local install of WordPress I happen to be using for that project. This works fine when I’m just working on one solitary plugin or theme.

But when I have a local version of an entire site which is a collection of different plugins, themes, WordPress core, etc. Should I be keeping that entire directory under version control?

Is there a best practice to always have a collection of repositories for each theme/plugin, or for each client site to have one monolithic repository that includes all the code used in the project (including the latest copy of WordPress via svn.)

3 s

There’s no set best practice, as each model fits different work processes.

One Repository

If you’re only managing a single site with a single set of plugins/themes then a single repository makes sense. Or if you’re managing multiple sites that use the same set of plugins/themes.

Multiple Repositories

This is my personal preference.

Keep WordPress core under SVN version control so it tracks the official repository. Then check out/clone each plugin or theme as needed separately.

I often clone all of my plugins via Git to a special folder on my machine, then symlink each to folders in /wp-content. Not the prettiest way to do it, but I can use one local copy of a plugin in multiple, independent test installations of WordPress.

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