I’m going to be using add_role() and $role->add_cap() to set up a new custom role and attach a new capability to existing roles.
I’m wondering where the best place to do this is? Obviously I can do it straight inside functions.php and be done with it. But is this the best practice? Do I only need to do this on admin_init? or should I do it on init?
I’m not entirely sure what the best practices are around using init action hooks rather than just dropping a direct function call inside functions.php.
thanks for your input!
When adding a role and capabilities you only need to run the code once since the roles and capabilities are saved to the database when using add_role
or ->add_cap
functions so just like Andy said you can use after_setup_theme
for this kind of action but add some kind of check so it only runs once, like register_activation_hook or using options:
function my_add_role_function(){
$roles_set = get_option('my_roles_are_set');
add_role('my_role', 'my_roleUser', array(
'read' => true, // True allows that capability, False specifically removes it.
'edit_posts' => true,
'delete_posts' => true,
'upload_files' => true