This might sound like too basic of a question, but I have searched for answers and I am more confused now than before.
What does “ours” and “theirs” mean in git when merging my branch into my other branch?
Both branches are “ours”.
In a merge conflict is “ours” always the upper of the two versions displayed?
Does “ours” always refer to the branch that HEAD was pointing to when the merge began? If so then why not use a clear possessive reference like “current branch’s” instead of using a possessive pronoun like “ours” that is referentially ambiguous (since both branches are technically ours)?
Or just use the branch name (instead of saying “ours” just say “local master’s” or such)?
The most confusing part to me is if I specify in a specific branch’s .gitattributes file. Lets say in test branch I have the following .gitattributes file:
config.xml merge=ours
Now I checkout and point HEAD to master then merge in test. Since master is ours, and test‘s .gitattributes is not checked out, will it even have an effect? If it does have an effect, since master is now “ours”, then what will happen?