What is the purpose of this line of code in wp_trim_excerpt? [closed]

Can someone please explain what the purpose of this code is:

$text = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $text);

I’m referring to a line of code inside wp_trim_excerpt(), but I’ve seen something very similar in some other wp functions as well.

On the surface, I would say it’s not doing anything at all, but I have to give the wordpress developers more credit than that, so I’m sure there’s a reason for this. I’ve looked into the php manual for str_replace to see if there is some special return value but everything is as I would expect.

Is this some sort of ninja data validation technique?

1 Answer

The replacement string contains a HTML entity which when displayed on a browser, looks like the needle string. It’s converting > to a HTML entity.

Reference: http://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/tags/3.4.1/wp-includes/formatting.php#L2119

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