When you register a sidebar in WordPress, is it possible to choose in what order it appears in the admin

I’ve registered some new sidebars. They are appearing on appearance->widgets screen. However, they appear in two columns and the order is arbituary. Is there a way to config the order and columns in the widget admin screen?

1 Answer

Sidebars are output in registration order, which is implicitly captured by how they are added to a $wp_registered_sidebars global.

This can easily be manipulated, for example following code will move first sidebar to the start:

add_action( 'register_sidebar', function ( $sidebar ) {

    global $wp_registered_sidebars;

    if ( 'first' === $sidebar['id'] ) {
        $sidebar = $wp_registered_sidebars['first'];
        unset( $wp_registered_sidebars['first'] );
        $wp_registered_sidebars = [ 'first' => $sidebar ] + $wp_registered_sidebars;
} );

register_sidebar( [ 'name' => 'one', 'id' => 'one' ] );
register_sidebar( [ 'name' => 'two', 'id' => 'two' ] );
register_sidebar( [ 'name' => 'first', 'id' => 'first' ] );

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