WPDB Insert or if exists Update

I’m not crazy familiar with WPDB or SQL in general but I have a custom table for my project and I’m trying to assign some metadata to it. What I’d “like” to happen is if a row exists, update it and if not insert it. I’ve read both Insert and Update in the WPDB Codex but neither really went into an “either or” situation. I thought i could work with update, so my code so far looks like this:

            'post_id'       => $post_id,
            'item_stock'    => $item_stock
        array('post_id' => $post_id)

Does WordPress have anything like an “IF exists Update, ELSE Insert”, or do I need to run custom SQL to achieve this, or do I need to query the database first to see if an ID exists in my table THEN decide whether to update it or insert it?


First, you are using prepare incorrectly. You seem to have $wpdb->update‘s arguments wrapped in $wpdb->prepare like that. That won’t work. In effect, you are passing update a single argument– the output of prepare. Try something simple like the following and you will see why that won’t work:

$post_id = 123;
$item_stock = 567;
        'post_id'       => $post_id,
        'item_stock'    => $item_stock
    array('post_id' => $post_id)

And $wpdb->update() runs prepare for you.

Second, if this were me, I skip the helper function bloat and write a proper ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE query:

$sql = "INSERT INTO {$wpdb->prefix}item_info (post_id,item_stock) VALUES (%d,%s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE item_stock = %s";
// var_dump($sql); // debug
$sql = $wpdb->prepare($sql,$post_id,$item_stock,$item_stock);
// var_dump($sql); // debug

This assumes that post_id is a UNIQUE index or PRIMARY KEY. If your table structure is what I think it is, let the database handle it.

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