Link your WPSE-Plugins
If you answered a question and made a plugin out of your code, than this is your place to share it.
The Idea:
An old comment from @MikeSchinkel during the beta phase where he wrote something like “I wonder how many plugins will come out of WA”.
- Write a short – one line – description of what the plugin is intended to do.
- Tell how it’s meant to be used: Template Tag, Shortcode, Widget, Plug & Play.
- Link to your plugins in an answer, on github/bitbucket/whatever or in the repo.
- Please link one plugin per answer.
- If you got some answers that would serve well as plugin, just modify your A and link it here.
- If your plugin became a commercial plugin later, it’s ok to post the link here.
- If your plugin is not cc- plus GNU GPL 2-licensed, please mention the license.
- I added a tag named wpse-plugin to this answer. Please edit the Q (where your ended up as a plugin) and add the tag, or ask a moderator to do so.
- I’ll upvote any /Plugin added here.
- Please also join the discussion about this on meta.
Important: About License
As to a lot of discussion about copyright & open source licenses1), i want to mention that these plugins run under the cc-license plus the GNU GPL 2-license, if the author didn’t mention else.
1) Some related discussion examples: