I have updated to Xcode 12.3 beta. device version is 14.2, but Xcode complaining:
Errors were encountered while preparing your device for development. Please check the Devices and Simulators Window.
Failed to prepare device for development
iPhone directly connected to MacBook.
I have tried all mumbo jumbos on the web. but no success any idea?

Unable to prepare DEVICE for development
Please check the connection to the device, and review all errors in the Devices and Simulators window.
A simple phone restart will fix it
I have had to come back to this SO question twice in the past couple weeks. First time, I did have to update my Xcode and iOS versions, which fixed the issue. Now, the issue has returned, but there are no updates. I tried disconnecting and reconnecting my phone from my laptop, but to no avail.
What fixed it the second time was merely restarting my phone. I am curious if that would have fixed it the first time too, without needing to have updated.
I know this is just echoing the other answers here, but at the very least, I would recommend just starting with a simple phone restart and seeing if that fixes your problem. Here is the specific screenshot that I encountered, in case yours is the same (pro tip: you can open up the “Devices and Simulators” window by going to Window -> Devices and Simulators shift-command-2