I have several methods all with the same parameter types and return values but different names and blocks. I want to pass the name of the method to run to another method that will invoke the passed method.

public int Method1(string)
    // Do something
    return myInt;

public int Method2(string)
    // Do something different
    return myInt;

public bool RunTheMethod([Method Name passed in here] myMethodName)
    // Do stuff
    int i = myMethodName("My String");
    // Do more stuff
    return true;

public bool Test()
    return RunTheMethod(Method1);

This code does not work but this is what I am trying to do. What I don’t understand is how to write the RunTheMethod code since I need to define the parameter.

12 s

You can use the Func delegate in .net 3.5 as the parameter in your RunTheMethod method. The Func delegate allows you to specify a method that takes a number of parameters of a specific type and returns a single argument of a specific type. Here is an example that should work:

public class Class1
    public int Method1(string input)
        //... do something
        return 0;

    public int Method2(string input)
        //... do something different
        return 1;

    public bool RunTheMethod(Func<string, int> myMethodName)
        //... do stuff
        int i = myMethodName("My String");
        //... do more stuff
        return true;

    public bool Test()
        return RunTheMethod(Method1);

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