Adding Custom Field to Taxonomy Input :Panel

I am looking to achieve something which I figured would be fairly simple to accomplish but it seems there are no real examples available to achieve my needs.

Essentially I have a custom post type of “Articles” for this custom post type I have a new taxonomy which I have registered which was created so that source publications can be added.

My goal was to be able to add an article through this custom post type and then select the applicable “source publication” from the term list so I could display where the article came from.

Now, the problem I am having seems to be simple… All I am trying to do is add some additional fields to the page where you can enter each taxonomy term. In this case I would like to add a field for “URL” and include an image for each source so I can add a logo.

So the question here is… how would I go about adding an additional field to each term?

I am assuming if wordpress does not allow for this functionality naively that somehow the “description” field could be utilized as a type of custom fields area and thus that the data can be stored there.

Then I am trying to of course extract the data out and display it.

I was able to customize the taxonomy column titles in case anyone is interest in the same way that columns can be modified for custom post types like this:

   add_filter("manage_edit-content_sources_columns", 'content_sources_columns');    
   function content_sources_columns($content_sources_columns) {
    $new_columns = array(
        'cb' => '<input type="checkbox" />',
        'name' => __('Name'),
//      'source_image' => '',
        'description' => __('URL'),
        'slug' => __('Slug'),
        'posts' => __('Posts')
    return $new_columns;

5 Answers


I wrote this last month for somebody and it may address what you are looking for. It is an example you would modify, not a complete ready-to-use solution:

 * Example code showing how to hook WordPress to add fields to the taxonomny term edit screen.
 * This example is meant to show how, not to be a drop in example.
 * This example was written in response to this question:
 * By:
 *    Mike Schinkel (
 * NOTE:
 *    This could easily become a plugin if it were fleshed out.
 *    A class with static methods was used to minimize the variables & functions added to the global namespace.
 *    wp_options was uses with one option be tax/term instead of via a serialize array because it aids in retrival
 *    if there get to be a large number of tax/terms types. A taxonomy/term meta would be the prefered but WordPress
 *    does not have one.
 * This example is licensed GPLv2.

// These are helper functions you can use elsewhere to access this info
function get_taxonomy_term_type($taxonomy,$term_id) {
  return get_option("_term_type_{$taxonomy}_{$term->term_id}");
function update_taxonomy_term_type($taxonomy,$term_id,$value) {

//This initializes the class.

//This should be called in your own code. This example uses two taxonomies: 'region' & 'opportunity'

class TaxonomyTermTypes {
  //This initializes the hooks to allow saving of the
  static function on_load() {
  //This initializes the hooks to allow adding the dropdown to the form fields
  static function register_taxonomy($taxonomy) {
    if (!is_array($taxonomy))
      $taxonomy = array($taxonomy);
    foreach($taxonomy as $tax_name) {
  // This displays the selections. Edit it to retrieve
  static function add_form_fields($taxonomy) {
    echo "Type " . self::get_select_html('text');
  // This displays the selections. Edit it to retrieve your own terms however you retrieve them.
  static function get_select_html($selected) {
    $selected_attr = array('text'=>'','user'=>'','date'=>'','etc'=>'');
    $selected_attr[$selected] = ' selected="selected"';
    $html =<<<HTML
<select id="tag-type" name="tag-type">
  <option value="text"{$selected_attr['text']}>Text</option>
  <option value="user"{$selected_attr['user']}>User</option>
  <option value="date"{$selected_attr['date']}>Date</option>
  <option value="etc" {$selected_attr['etc']}>Etc.</option>
    return $html;
    // This a table row with the drop down for an edit screen
    static function edit_form_fields($term, $taxonomy) {
    $selected = get_option("_term_type_{$taxonomy}_{$term->term_id}");
    $select = self::get_select_html($selected);
    $html =<<<HTML
<tr class="form-field form-required">
  <th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="tag-type">Type</label></th>
    echo $html;
  // These hooks are called after adding and editing to save $_POST['tag-term']
  static function term_type_update($term_id, $tt_id, $taxonomy) {
    if (isset($_POST['tag-type'])) {

Hope it helps.

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