Best practice to call ConfigureAwait for all server-side code

When you have server-side code (i.e. some ApiController) and your functions are asynchronous – so they return Task<SomeObject> – is it considered best practice that any time you await functions that you call ConfigureAwait(false)?

I had read that it is more performant since it doesn’t have to switch thread contexts back to the original thread context. However, with ASP.NET Web Api, if your request is coming in on one thread, and you await some function and call ConfigureAwait(false) that could potentially put you on a different thread when you are returning the final result of your ApiController function.

I’ve typed up an example of what I am talking about below:

public class CustomerController : ApiController
    public async Task<Customer> Get(int id)
        // you are on a particular thread here
        var customer = await GetCustomerAsync(id).ConfigureAwait(false);
        // now you are on a different thread!  will that cause problems?
        return customer;

4 s

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