Custom Post Type URL Rewriting?

I setup a custom post type for my portfolio projects. The main URL for this is located at /projects/

Now I’ve also setup my blog posts permalink to /articles/*/ for the permalink structure. This means when I go to view a portfolio project the URL changes to /articles/projects/project-name/

I know there must be a way to rewrite permalinks only for my projects custom post type. But I’m unfamiliar with the syntax in declaring the URL slug – would appreciate any help I can get!


When you register the custom post type, you have to specify that the rewrite rule shouldn’t be prepended with the existing URL structure.

In short, this means that this line in your register_post_type call:

'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'projects'),

should turn into this:

'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'projects','with_front' => false),

For more info, check out the rewrite argument from the codex entry on register_post_type

edit: just make sure that, after updating the code, you flush the rewrite rules by visiting Settings > Permalinks. Otherwise you’ll still see the old links.

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