Does JavaScript pass by reference? [duplicate]

Does JavaScript pass by references or pass by values?

Here is an example from JavaScript: The Good Parts. I am very confused about the my parameter for the rectangle function. It is actually undefined, and redefined inside the function. There are no original reference. If I remove it from the function parameter, the inside area function is not able to access it.

Is it a closure? But no function is returned.

var shape = function (config) {
    var that = {}; = || "";
    that.area = function () {
        return 0;
    return that;

var rectangle = function (config, my) {
    my = my || {};
    my.l = config.length || 1;
    my.w = config.width || 1;
    var that = shape(config);
    that.area = function () {
        return my.l * my.w;
    return that;

myShape = shape({
    name: "Unhnown"

myRec = rectangle({
    name: "Rectangle",
    length: 4,
    width: 6

console.log( + " area is " + myShape.area() + " " + + " area is " + myRec.area());

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