I’m having an error running Chromecast sender in Chrome Incognito or if Chromecast extension is not installed:

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE chrome-extension://boadgeojelhgndaghljhdicfkmllpafd/cast_sender.js
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE chrome-extension://dliochdbjfkdbacpmhlcpmleaejidimm/cast_sender.js
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE chrome-extension://hfaagokkkhdbgiakmmlclaapfelnkoah/cast_sender.js
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE chrome-extension://fmfcbgogabcbclcofgocippekhfcmgfj/cast_sender.js
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE chrome-extension://enhhojjnijigcajfphajepfemndkmdlo/cast_sender.js
No cast extension found

Google cast sender is trying to send AJAX requests for local “cast_sender.js”. Should this happen or is there a better way to check if Chromecast sender extension exists (not by requesting AJAX request)?

I believe these AJAX requests are a way of asking if Chromecast extension exists. Is there a better way to check if Chromecast extension exists?

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