AngularJS changes URLs to “unsafe:” in extension page

I am trying to use Angular with a list of apps, and each one is a link to see an app in more detail (apps/ <a id=”{{}}” href=”{{}}” >{{}}</a> Every time I click on one of these links, Chrome shows the URL as unsafe:chrome-extension://kpbipnfncdpgejhmdneaagc…/apps/ Where does the unsafe: come from? 6 Answers 6

How to save CSS changes of Styles panel of Chrome Developer Tools?

How to save CSS changes of Styles panel of Google Chrome Developer Tools? At tool’s website it’s mentioned that we can see all change in resource panel But I’m working locally on a CSS file but changes are not showing in Resource panel for me By the way Do you know any add-ons , tools … Read more

Accessing console and devtools of extension’s background.js

I just started out with Google Chrome extensions and I can’t seem to log to console from my background js. When an error occurs (because of a syntax error, for example), I can’t find any error messages either. My manifest file: { “name”: “My First Extension”, “version”: “1.0”, “manifest_version”: 2, “description”: “The first extension that … Read more

google chrome extension :: console.log() from background page?

If I call console.log(‘something’); from the popup page, or any script included off that it works fine. However as the background page is not directly run off the popup page it is not included in the console. Is there a way that I can get console.log()‘s in the background page to show up in the … Read more

Google Chromecast sender error if Chromecast extension is not installed or using incognito

I’m having an error running Chromecast sender in Chrome Incognito or if Chromecast extension is not installed: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE chrome-extension://boadgeojelhgndaghljhdicfkmllpafd/cast_sender.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE chrome-extension://dliochdbjfkdbacpmhlcpmleaejidimm/cast_sender.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE chrome-extension://hfaagokkkhdbgiakmmlclaapfelnkoah/cast_sender.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE chrome-extension://fmfcbgogabcbclcofgocippekhfcmgfj/cast_sender.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE chrome-extension://enhhojjnijigcajfphajepfemndkmdlo/cast_sender.js No cast extension found Google cast sender is … Read more

How do I auto-reload a Chrome extension I’m developing?

I’d like for my chrome extension to reload every time I save a file in the extension folder, without having to explicitly click “reload” in chrome://extensions/. Is this possible? Edit: I’m aware I can update the interval at which Chrome reloads extensions, which is a half-way solution, but I’d rather either making my editor (emacs … Read more