How do I loop through a date range?

I’m not even sure how to do this without using some horrible for loop/counter type solution. Here’s the problem:

I’m given two dates, a start date and an end date and on a specified interval I need to take some action. For example: for every date between 3/10/2009 on every third day until 3/26/2009 I need to create an entry in a List. So my inputs would be:

DateTime StartDate = "3/10/2009";
DateTime EndDate = "3/26/2009";
int DayInterval = 3;

and my output would be a list that has the following dates:


So how the heck would I do something like this? I thought about using a for loop that would iterate between every day in the range with a separate counter like so:

int count = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
     if(count >= DayInterval)
          //take action
          count = 0;


But it seems like there could be a better way?

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