How to create .pot files with POedit?

I’ve spent hours today on what seemed like something really simple, which is to create a .pot file for a WordPress theme that I’m creating. I’ve read the Smashing Magazine article, the Tutsplus article and few others on how to use Poedit to create .pot files for a theme, and then create .mo and .po files, but sadly, I’m still stuck at the first step.

I installed Poedit and I find that the UI is completely different than that is shown in all of the the tutorials and it seems like there is no more an option to create .pot file. Only thing that is available is to create .po and .mo files from an existing .pot file, which is not what I need now.

So can someone please tell me how can I create .pot files using Poedit or with some other method, I would really appreciate it.



You may try Eazy Po.

  • From file menu select “New from source code files..”.
  • In xgettext Command Manager window; Press “Browse folder” to select base source folder.
  • In Build pane press “Execute Command” button to generate Pot file.

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