jQuery Autocomplete in WordPress

I’m using this autocomplete script https://github.com/agarzola/jQueryAutocompletePlugin within my wordpress theme. I have a form in a page where the user could specify some tags.
Actually, this is the code I’m using and it’s working good.

        jQuery(function() {
            var data="<?php global $wpdb; $search_tags = $wpdb->
                   get_results("SELECT name FROM $wpdb->terms"); 
                      foreach ($search_tags as $mytag){ echo $mytag->name. " "; } ?>".split(" ");
         $("#tags").autocomplete(data,{multiple: true});

Now, the problem is, this kind of query puts all the tags inside an array when I load the page. This could work if you have 100 tags, but we have a lot more. The script has also an autocomplete from remote script option as shown below:

<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery().ready(function() {
    $("#tags").autocomplete("<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/get-tags.php", 
        width: 260,
        matchContains: true,
        selectFirst: false,
        multiple: true

This must activate autocomplete as the user types.
This is the code for get-tags.php (I put the file in my theme root)



global $wpdb; 
    $search_tags = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT name FROM $wpdb->terms"); 
        foreach ($search_tags as $mytag)
            { echo $mytag->name. " "; }


I have tried everything and searched online for hours but I didn’t find a solution on how to call the get-tags.php, it gives me an internal 500 error and the autocomplete doesn’t work anymore.

1 Answer

don’t include WP like that. use $_GET instead:

$("#tags").autocomplete("<?php echo add_query_arg('get_my', 'terms', home_url()); ?>", 

theme’s functions.php:

add_action('template_redirect', 'terms_for_autocomplete');
function terms_for_autocomplete(){
  if(isset($_GET['get_my']) && $_GET['get_my'] == 'terms'):

    $terms = &get_terms(get_taxonomies());
    foreach ($terms as $term)
      echo "{$term->name}|{$term->name} ({$term->count} results)\n";


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