Is there a way to give oEmbed codes a special markup in the visual editor? In my dream implementation you paste an oEmbed-enabled url in the editor, which will then automatically replace it with a thumbnail of the media object you want to insert. A basic implementation would at least highlight the URL so the user knows “something special” could happen there (if no errors occur).

Is there a plugin that does this? I could create something like this myself, but I would need some pointers on how to hook into the TinyMCE editor in the most WordPress-stylish way.

1 Answer

I think this might be a step in the right direction:

Specifically the the_editor_content filter which is “applied to post content before putting it into a rich editor window.”

Sorry I can’t flesh it out more for you but I am just starting to play around with filters myself and have miles to go before I can be useful.

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