Post from front-end with post types, categories and taxonomies

I am now developing a wordpress site that will be something like a directory. People will be able to submit walkthroughs, advanced reviews, as well as cheat codes for games. We were going to make a different form for each page, but now we’ve decided that one form with a drop down will be just fine.

There doesn’t seem to be a good plug in out there, that I can find, which accommodates the fact that each submission needs to be pushed through as a “pending post” but also to a certain post type.

For example, the form that we’ll use will be set up like this:

Game name: <post title>
Platform:  <Taxonomy>
Category:  <Category> (role playing, FPS, adventure, etc..)
This is a: () Review () Tutorial () Cheat list  <this is the post type>
Content: <post body>
Tags: <tags>

Upon submission, I need for the review, cheat, or tutorial to be set as a pending post, in the post type chosen from the radio boxes.

I’m currently using WP User Front End, but I could probably use any post from front-end form that is suggested for easiest modification. Adding the new fields to the form is easy, making them do stuff is hard! I’d appreciate any help I can get with this, our website sort of revolves around these feature.

2 Answers

It looks like Gravity Forms can do this. I just did a quick search on the support forums and found this, an answer to someone asking almost exactly the same question as you:

Gravity Forms can be used to create
custom post types as well as custom
taxonomies, however it doesn’t do so
out of the box. It requires the use of
available hooks to tell Gravity Forms
to use a custom post type or custom
taxonomy instead of the default. By
default it uses standard WordPress
Posts, Categories and Tags.

So yes it is possible, but it does
take some custom code. When you are
ready to implement this you can search
the forums for code examples as many
people have done this, or you can post
a new post describing what you are
trying to do and request some
assistance and we can assist you with
basic code snippets to get you

We do plan on creating an Add-On in
the future that will make it much
easier to create custom post types and
use custom taxonomies.

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