Convert UTC/GMT time to local time

We are developing a C# application for a web-service client. This will run on Windows XP PC’s.

One of the fields returned by the web service is a DateTime field. The server returns a field in GMT format i.e. with a “Z” at the end.

However, we found that .NET seems to do some kind of implicit conversion and the time was always 12 hours out.

The following code sample resolves this to some extent in that the 12 hour difference has gone but it makes no allowance for NZ daylight saving.

CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en-NZ");
string date = "Web service date".ToString("R", ci);
DateTime convertedDate = DateTime.Parse(date);            

As per this date site:

UTC/GMT Offset

Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +12 hours
Daylight saving time: +1 hour
Current time zone offset: UTC/GMT +13 hours

How do we adjust for the extra hour? Can this be done programmatically or is this some kind of setting on the PC’s?

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