How to display the WordPress user registration form (the form that appears in “” page) in the front end of my blog?

I have customised the registration form. But don’t know how to call that form in the front end page. Any support will be really great help.

Thanks in advance. 🙂


The process involves 2 steps:

  1. show the frontend form
  2. save the data on submission

There are 3 different approach that comes to my mind to show the frontend:

  • use the built-in registration form, editing styles, etc to make it more “frontend like”
  • use a WordPress page/post, and display form using a shortcode
  • use a dedicate template not connected with any page/post, but called by a specific url

For this answer I’ll use the latter. The reasons are:

  • using built-in registration form can be a good idea, deep customizations can be very hard using built-in form, and if one also want customize form fields the pain increase
  • use a WordPress page in combination with a shortcode, is not so reliable, and also I think that shorcodes should not be used for functionality, just for formatting and such

1: Build the url

All of us knows that default registration form of a WordPress site is often a target for spammers. Using a custom url is an help to solve this problem. In addition I want also use a variable url, i.e. the registration form url should not be always the same, this makes spammers life harder.
The trick is done using a nonce in the url:

* Generate dynamic registration url
function custom_registration_url() {
  $nonce = urlencode( wp_create_nonce( 'registration_url' ) );
  return home_url( $nonce );

* Generate dynamic registration link
function custom_registration_link() {
  $format="<a href="">%s</a>";
    custom_registration_url(), __( 'Register', 'custom_reg_form' )

Using this functions is easy to display in templates a link to the registration form even if it’s dynamic.

2: Recognize the url, first stub of Custom_Reg\Custom_Reg class

Now we need to recognize the url. For the pourpose I’ll start to write a class, that will be finished later in the answer:

// don't save, just a stub
namespace Custom_Reg;

class Custom_Reg {

  function checkUrl() {
    $url_part = $this->getUrl();
    $nonce = urlencode( wp_create_nonce( 'registration_url' ) );
    if ( ( $url_part === $nonce ) ) {
      // do nothing if registration is not allowed or user logged
      if ( is_user_logged_in() || ! get_option('users_can_register') ) {
        wp_safe_redirect( home_url() );
      return TRUE;

  protected function getUrl() {
    $home_path = trim( parse_url( home_url(), PHP_URL_PATH ), "" );
    $relative = trim(str_replace($home_path, '', esc_url(add_query_arg(array()))), "");
    $parts = explode( "", $relative );
    if ( ! empty( $parts ) && ! isset( $parts[1] ) ) {
      return $parts[0];


The function look at the first part of the url after home_url(), and if it matches with our nonce it return TRUE. this function will be used to check our request and perform needed action to display our form.

3: The Custom_Reg\Form class

I’ll now write a class, that will be responsible to generate the form markup.
I’ll use it also to store in a property the template file path that should be used to display the form.

// file: Form.php
namespace Custom_Reg;

class Form {

  protected $fields;

  protected $verb = 'POST';

  protected $template;

  protected $form;

  public function __construct() {
    $this->fields = new \ArrayIterator();

  public function create() {
    do_action( 'custom_reg_form_create', $this );
    $form = $this->open();
    $it =  $this->getFields();
    while( $it->valid() ) {
      $field = $it->current();
      if ( ! $field instanceof FieldInterface ) {
        throw new \DomainException( "Invalid field" );
      $form .= $field->create() . PHP_EOL;
    do_action( 'custom_reg_form_after_fields', $this );
    $form .= $this->close();
    $this->form = $form;
    add_action( 'custom_registration_form', array( $this, 'output' ), 0 );

  public function output() {
    unset( $GLOBALS['wp_filters']['custom_registration_form'] );
    if ( ! empty( $this->form ) ) {
      echo $this->form;

  public function getTemplate() {
    return $this->template;

  public function setTemplate( $template ) {
    if ( ! is_string( $template ) ) {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException( "Invalid template" );
    $this->template = $template;

  public function addField( FieldInterface $field ) {
    $hook = 'custom_reg_form_create';
    if ( did_action( $hook ) && current_filter() !== $hook ) {
      throw new \BadMethodCallException( "Add fields before {$hook} is fired" );
    $this->getFields()->append( $field );

  public function getFields() {
    return $this->fields;

  public function getVerb() {
    return $this->verb;

  public function setVerb( $verb ) {
    if ( ! is_string( $verb) ) {
     throw new \InvalidArgumentException( "Invalid verb" );
    $verb = strtoupper($verb);
    if ( in_array($verb, array( 'GET', 'POST' ) ) ) $this->verb = $verb;

  protected function open() {
    $out = sprintf( '<form id="custom_reg_form" method="">', $this->verb ) . PHP_EOL;
    $nonce="<input type="hidden" name="_n" value="" />";
    $out .= sprintf( $nonce,  wp_create_nonce( 'custom_reg_form_nonce' ) ) . PHP_EOL;
    $identity = '<input type="hidden" name="custom_reg_form" value="" />';
    $out .= sprintf( $identity,  __CLASS__ ) . PHP_EOL;
    return $out;

  protected function close() {
    $submit =  __('Register', 'custom_reg_form');
    $out = sprintf( '<input type="submit" value="" />', $submit );
    $out .= '</form>';
    return $out;


The class generate form markup looping all the fields added calling create method on each of them.
Each field must be instance of Custom_Reg\FieldInterface.
An additional hidden field is added for nonce verifiction. Form method is ‘POST’ by default, but it can be setted to ‘GET’ using setVerb method.
Once created the markup is saved inside the $form object property that is echoed by output() method, hooked into 'custom_registration_form' hook: in the form template, simply call do_action( 'custom_registration_form' ) will output the form.

4: The default template

As I said the template for form can be easily overriden, however we need a basic template as a fallback.
I’ll wrote here a very rough template, more a proof of concept than a real template.

// file: default_form_template.php

global $custom_reg_form_done, $custom_reg_form_error;

if ( isset( $custom_reg_form_done ) && $custom_reg_form_done ) {
  echo '<p class="success">';
    'Thank you, your registration was submitted, check your email.',
  echo '</p>';
} else {
  if ( $custom_reg_form_error ) {
    echo '<p class="error">' . $custom_reg_form_error  . '</p>';
  do_action( 'custom_registration_form' );


5: The Custom_Reg\FieldInterface interface

Every field should be an object that implements the following interface

// file: FieldInterface.php
namespace Custom_Reg;

interface FieldInterface {

   * Return the field id, used to name the request value and for the 'name' param of
   * html input field
  public function getId();

   * Return the filter constant that must be used with
   * filter_input so get the value from request
  public function getFilter();

   * Return true if the used value passed as argument should be accepted, false if not
  public function isValid( $value = NULL );

   * Return true if field is required, false if not
  public function isRequired();

   * Return the field input markup. The 'name' param must be output 
   * according to getId()
  public function create( $value="");

I think that comments explain what classes implementing this interface should do.

6: Adding some fields

Now we need some fields. We can create a file called ‘fields.php’ where we define the fields classes:

// file: fields.php
namespace Custom_Reg;

abstract class BaseField implements FieldInterface {

  protected function getType() {
    return isset( $this->type ) ? $this->type : 'text';

  protected function getClass() {
    $type = $this->getType();
    if ( ! empty($type) ) return "{$type}-field";

  public function getFilter() {

  public function isRequired() {
    return isset( $this->required ) ? $this->required : FALSE;

  public function isValid( $value = NULL ) {
    if ( $this->isRequired() ) {
      return $value != '';
    return TRUE;

  public function create( $value="" ) {
    $label="<p><label>" . $this->getLabel() . '</label>';
    $format="<input type="" name="" value="" class=""%s /></p>";
    $required = $this->isRequired() ? ' required' : '';
    return $label . sprintf(
      $this->getType(), $this->getId(), $value, $this->getClass(), $required

  abstract function getLabel();

class FullName extends BaseField {

  protected $required = TRUE;

  public function getID() {
    return 'fullname';

  public function getLabel() {
    return __( 'Full Name', 'custom_reg_form' );


class Login extends BaseField {

  protected $required = TRUE;

  public function getID() {
    return 'login';

  public function getLabel() {
    return __( 'Username', 'custom_reg_form' );

class Email extends BaseField {

  protected $type="email";

  public function getID() {
    return 'email';

  public function getLabel() {
    return __( 'Email', 'custom_reg_form' );

  public function isValid( $value = NULL ) {
    return ! empty( $value ) && filter_var( $value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL );

class Country extends BaseField {

  protected $required = FALSE;

  public function getID() {
    return 'country';

  public function getLabel() {
    return __( 'Country', 'custom_reg_form' );

I’ve use a base class to define the default interface implemantation, however, one can add very customized fields directly implementing the interface or extending the base class and overriding some methods.

At this point we have everything to display the form, now we need something to validate and save the fields.

7: The Custom_Reg\Saver class

// file: Saver.php
namespace Custom_Reg;

class Saver {

  protected $fields;

  protected $user = array( 'user_login' => NULL, 'user_email' => NULL );

  protected $meta = array();

  protected $error;

  public function setFields( \ArrayIterator $fields ) {
    $this->fields = $fields;

  * validate all the fields
  public function validate() {
    // if registration is not allowed return false
    if ( ! get_option('users_can_register') ) return FALSE;
    // if no fields are setted return FALSE
    if ( ! $this->getFields() instanceof \ArrayIterator ) return FALSE;
    // first check nonce
    $nonce = $this->getValue( '_n' );
    if ( $nonce !== wp_create_nonce( 'custom_reg_form_nonce' ) ) return FALSE;
    // then check all fields
    $it =  $this->getFields();
    while( $it->valid() ) {
      $field = $it->current();
      $key = $field->getID();
      if ( ! $field instanceof FieldInterface ) {
        throw new \DomainException( "Invalid field" );
      $value = $this->getValue( $key, $field->getFilter() );
      if ( $field->isRequired() && empty($value) ) {
        $this->error = sprintf( __('%s is required', 'custom_reg_form' ), $key );
        return FALSE;
      if ( ! $field->isValid( $value ) ) {
        $this->error = sprintf( __('%s is not valid', 'custom_reg_form' ), $key );
        return FALSE;
      if ( in_array( "user_{$key}", array_keys($this->user) ) ) {
        $this->user["user_{$key}"] = $value;
      } else {
        $this->meta[$key] = $value;
    return TRUE;

  * Save the user using core register_new_user that handle username and email check
  * and also sending email to new user
  * in addition save all other custom data in user meta
  * @see register_new_user()
  public function save() {
    // if registration is not allowed return false
    if ( ! get_option('users_can_register') ) return FALSE;
    // check mandatory fields
    if ( ! isset($this->user['user_login']) || ! isset($this->user['user_email']) ) {
      return false;
    $user = register_new_user( $this->user['user_login'], $this->user['user_email'] );
    if ( is_numeric($user) ) {
      if ( ! update_user_meta( $user, 'custom_data', $this->meta ) ) {
        return FALSE;
      return TRUE;
    } elseif ( is_wp_error( $user ) ) {
      $this->error = $user->get_error_message();
    return FALSE;

  public function getValue( $var, $filter = FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ) {
    if ( ! is_string($var) ) {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException( "Invalid value" );
    $method = strtoupper( filter_input( INPUT_SERVER, 'REQUEST_METHOD' ) );
    $type = $method === 'GET' ? INPUT_GET : INPUT_POST;
    $val = filter_input( $type, $var, $filter );
    return $val;

  public function getFields() {
    return $this->fields;

  public function getErrorMessage() {
    return $this->error;


That class, has 2 main methods, one (validate) that loop the fields, validate them and saving good data into an array, the second (save) save all data in database and send password via email to new user.

8: Using defined classes: finishing the Custom_Reg class

Now we can work again on Custom_Reg class, adding the methods that “glues” the object defined and make them works

// file Custom_Reg.php
namespace Custom_Reg;

class Custom_Reg {

  protected $form;

  protected $saver;

  function __construct( Form $form, Saver $saver ) {
    $this->form = $form;
    $this->saver = $saver;

   * Check if the url to recognize is the one for the registration form page
  function checkUrl() {
    $url_part = $this->getUrl();
    $nonce = urlencode( wp_create_nonce( 'registration_url' ) );
    if ( ( $url_part === $nonce ) ) {
      // do nothing if registration is not allowed or user logged
      if ( is_user_logged_in() || ! get_option('users_can_register') ) {
        wp_safe_redirect( home_url() );
      return TRUE;

   * Init the form, if submitted validate and save, if not just display it
  function init() {
    if ( $this->checkUrl() !== TRUE ) return;
    do_action( 'custom_reg_form_init', $this->form );
    if ( $this->isSubmitted() ) {
    // don't need to create form if already saved
    if ( ! isset( $custom_reg_form_done ) || ! $custom_reg_form_done ) {
    load_template( $this->getTemplate() );

  protected function save() {
    global $custom_reg_form_error;
    $this->saver->setFields( $this->form->getFields() );
    if ( $this->saver->validate() === TRUE ) { // validate?
      if ( $this->saver->save() ) { // saved?
        global $custom_reg_form_done;
        $custom_reg_form_done = TRUE;
      } else { // saving error
        $err =  $this->saver->getErrorMessage(); 
        $custom_reg_form_error = $err ? : __( 'Error on save.', 'custom_reg_form' );
    } else { // validation error
       $custom_reg_form_error = $this->saver->getErrorMessage();

  protected function isSubmitted() {
    $type = $this->form->getVerb() === 'GET' ? INPUT_GET : INPUT_POST;
    $sub = filter_input( $type, 'custom_reg_form', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );
    return ( ! empty( $sub ) && $sub === get_class( $this->form ) );

  protected function getTemplate() {
    $base = $this->form->getTemplate() ? : FALSE;
    $template = FALSE;
    $default = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/default_form_template.php';
    if ( ! empty( $base ) ) {
      $template = locate_template( $base );
    return $template ? : $default;

   protected function getUrl() {
    $home_path = trim( parse_url( home_url(), PHP_URL_PATH ), "" );
    $relative = trim( str_replace( $home_path, '', add_query_arg( array() ) ), "" );
    $parts = explode( "", $relative );
    if ( ! empty( $parts ) && ! isset( $parts[1] ) ) {
      return $parts[0];


The constructor of the class accepts an instance of Form and one of Saver.

init() method (using checkUrl()) look at the first part of the url after home_url(), and if it matches with the right nonce, it checks if the form was already submitted, if so using the Saver object, it validate and save the userdata, otherwise just print the form.

init() method also fires the action hook 'custom_reg_form_init' passing the form instance as argument: this hook should be used to add fields, to setup the custom template and also to customize the form method.

9: Putting things together

Now we need to write the main plugin file, where we can

  • require all the files
  • load the textdomain
  • startup entire process using instantiating Custom_Reg class and call init() method on it using a reasonably early hook
  • use the ‘custom_reg_form_init’ to add the fields to form class


 * Plugin Name: Custom Registration Form
 * Description: Just a rough plugin example to answer a WPSE question
 * Plugin URI:
 * Author: G. M.
 * Author URI:

if ( is_admin() ) return; // this plugin is all about frontend

  plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'langs'

require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'FieldInterface.php';
require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'fields.php';
require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'Form.php';
require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'Saver.php';
require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'CustomReg.php';

* Generate dynamic registration url
function custom_registration_url() {
  $nonce = urlencode( wp_create_nonce( 'registration_url' ) );
  return home_url( $nonce );

* Generate dynamic registration link
function custom_registration_link() {
  $format="<a href="">%s</a>";
    custom_registration_url(), __( 'Register', 'custom_reg_form' )

* Setup, show and save the form
add_action( 'wp_loaded', function() {
  try {
    $form = new Custom_Reg\Form;
    $saver = new Custom_Reg\Saver;
    $custom_reg = new Custom_Reg\Custom_Reg( $form, $saver );
  } catch ( Exception $e ) {
    if ( defined('WP_DEBUG') && WP_DEBUG ) {
      $msg = 'Exception on  ' . __FUNCTION__;
      $msg .= ', Type: ' . get_class( $e ) . ', Message: ';
      $msg .= $e->getMessage() ? : 'Unknown error';
      error_log( $msg );
    wp_safe_redirect( home_url() );
}, 0 );

* Add fields to form
add_action( 'custom_reg_form_init', function( $form ) {
  $classes = array(
  foreach ( $classes as $class ) {
    $form->addField( new $class );
}, 1 );

10: Missing tasks

Now everithing is pretty done. We have just to customize the template, probably adding a custom template file in our theme.

We can add specific styles and scripts only to the custom registration page in this way

add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', function() {
  // if not on custom registration form do nothing
  if ( did_action('custom_reg_form_init') ) {
    wp_enqueue_style( ... );
    wp_enqueue_script( ... );

Using that method we can enqueue some js scripts to handle client side validation, e.g. this one. The markup needed to make that script work can be easily handled editing the Custom_Reg\BaseField class.

If we want to customize the registration email, we can use standard method and having custom data saved on meta, we can make use of them in the email.

Last task we probably we want to implement is prevent request to default registration form, as easy as:

add_action( 'login_form_register', function() { exit(); } );

All the files can be found in a Gist here.

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