I have a Person object with a Nullable DateOfBirth property. Is there a way to use LINQ to query a list of Person objects for the one with the earliest/smallest DateOfBirth value?
Here’s what I started with:
var firstBornDate = People.Min(p => p.DateOfBirth.GetValueOrDefault(DateTime.MaxValue));
Null DateOfBirth values are set to DateTime.MaxValue in order to rule them out of the Min consideration (assuming at least one has a specified DOB).
But all that does for me is to set firstBornDate to a DateTime value. What I’d like to get is the Person object that matches that. Do I need to write a second query like so:
var firstBorn = People.Single(p=> (p.DateOfBirth ?? DateTime.MaxValue) == firstBornDate);
Or is there a leaner way of doing it?
19 s
People.Aggregate((curMin, x) => (curMin == null || (x.DateOfBirth ?? DateTime.MaxValue) <
curMin.DateOfBirth ? x : curMin))