How to make dynamically-generated content searchable in WordPress?

I’m writing a plugin for WordPress that dynamically generates content from a Google Documents Spreadsheet. Specifically, the plugin provides a shortcode that generates a good-looking staff list. It works, but there are two problems: Pages that use the shortcode load a little slow, because they have to make multiple requests to another server Since the … Read more

Nginx + WordPress + HHVM: Why isn’t Batcache working? Would Varnish help even more?

I’ve heard great things about HHVM, so I’ve setup a copy of WordPress blog (on another domain) with Nginx (with the Pagespeed module) and HHVM. Right now the benefits are obvious: on the same config, load times are between two and three times faster. I’m trying to speed up things a little bit, and I’ve … Read more

WordPress Browser Cache with W3-Total-Cache doesn’t show new posts [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for WordPress Development Stack Exchange. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question I’m running the latest version of both WordPress (3.5.1) and the always popular W3 Total Cache (, but I’m having issues … Read more

Is it possible to disable caching of an option when using w3 total cache?

a plugin i’m working on has a conflict with w3 total cache. To be more specific, in my code i have static function get_instance() { if( self::$_instance === NULL ) { // get the settings from the database self::$_instance = get_option( ‘ai1ec_settings’ ); // if there are no settings in the database // save default … Read more

Will I see a performance hit if I use native API calls like get_the_title() instead of $post->post_title?

Let’s say I’ve already got the $post object through some earlier process of looping through an array of IDs and using get_post() on each one of them, storing the resulting object in some array. Later on, I want to loop through that array and do something with each post. I already have a $my_post object, … Read more

Should I use Transients with W3 Total Cache APC Caching? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for WordPress Development Stack Exchange. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question Should I use Transients in my queries like this? <?php if ( ! $my_paged = absint( get_query_var( ‘paged’ ) ) ) … Read more

What exactly is an advanced object cache?

I’m reading this article about fragment caching. It seems self explanatory except for this line: based on the assumption that you have an advanced object cache available. What exactly is an advanced object cache, and how can I check for one/implement if not already available? 2 s 2 An advanced object cache is a cache … Read more