Get ID of current taxonomy in register_rest_field

I have a term field created with types plugin and attached to the “category” taxonomy. I need to get this field in the api rest. You cant get the termmeta in types plugin like this types_render_termmeta($slug_term, array(“term_id” => $term_id)); I don’t know how to get current category id in register_rest_field function. register_rest_field( ‘category’, ‘color’, array( … Read more

Wp Rest API request posts from a custom taxonomy

I’m trying to get posts from a custom taxonomy term in a custom post type but it is just displaying all the posts in the custom post type. I’ve tried using Filter in my endpoint url but I have a feeling this is no longer possible. This is what I’ve got.[directory_type]=exhibitor-directory This is my … Read more

Rest API invalid nonce with Backbone Client

I’m using the built-in Backbone Client whenever I try to make a request it gives me this error: {“code”:”rest_cookie_invalid_nonce”,”message”:”Cookie nonce is invalid”,”data”:{“status”:403}} I read the Rest API Handbook – Authentication, and from what I’ve learned I don’t need to do any manual setting. Plugins in use: Askimet Anti-spam WP Fastest Cache iThemes WP Bannerize Yoast … Read more