Thumbnails produce unwanted gray pixels on white background [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Your question should be specific to WordPress. Generic PHP/JS/SQL/HTML/CSS questions might be better asked at Stack Overflow or another appropriate Stack Exchange network site. Third party plugins and themes are off topic, they are better asked about at their developers’ support routes. Closed 7 … Read more

How can I customize the upload error message in WordPress?

After following the guide for How can I prevent uploading bmp image? to remove bmp (and in my case tiff images) from being uploaded, I tested and it is working, but noticed users are now getting the error message: Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons. screenshot-with-shadow.png That looks to be … Read more

HTTP Error when uploading images

I am getting an ‘HTTP Error’ when uploading images to posts. What could be the reason for this? It doesn’t happen all the time, sometimes I get the error, try again, and the file uploads. Actually the file always seems to upload, however it doesn’t generate the different sized images or anything. 1 Answer 1 … Read more