Unable to set right time in admin and frontend template

When I run a simple php file called test.php (placed in the root of the wp installation) that contains something like that:

<?php echo date('H:i:s'); ?>

The result is right: 15:30:00 and the timezone is set also correctly to Europe/Prague which is UTC+2 time

However, if I place the same line within my e.g. footer or sidebar or even index file of my template than the result is 13:30:00 which is UTC time.

The same in my custom plugin in WP admin. the time is 2 hours late.

The time in admin options is set correctly to UTC+2.

What is funny that if I create a new post or page the time is correct 15:30:00. I don’t get it.

Any idea why this happens?

I have the latest fresh WP installation. 3.5.1 CZ version without any installed plugins.


I have tried using WP function date_i18n() like:
<?php echo date_i18n('H:i:s'); ?> and it’s working as expected.

<?php echo date('H:i:s'); ?> and it’s still not working right. But outside wordpress date() is working correctly.

Why is that? Why is wordpress screwing up date() function ?

2 Answers

WordPress uses GMT. The only way to get around that is to declare a new timezone after the header to use for your own purposes. Kind of a pain.

Also see this answer: How to get WordPress Time Zone setting?

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