Java Console Prompt for ENTER input before moving on [duplicate]

The reason why is not blocking the second time is that when the user presses ENTER the first time, two bytes will be stored corresponding to \r and \n. Instead use a Scanner instance: public void promptEnterKey(){ System.out.println(“Press \”ENTER\” to continue…”); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; scanner.nextLine(); }

White spaces are required between publicId and systemId

The error message is actually correct if not obvious. It says that your DOCTYPE must have a SYSTEM identifier. I assume yours only has a public identifier. You’ll get the error with (for instance): <!DOCTYPE persistence PUBLIC “”> You won’t with: <!DOCTYPE persistence PUBLIC “” “”> Notice “” at the end in the second one … Read more

Error message ‘Cannot be resolved or is not a field’

Right now I’m studying the chain of responsibility design pattern and am using Eclipse. And I’m trying to compile this code, but I have the compiling error “isLast cannot be resolved or is not a field”: public class OverFive implements Discount { private Discount next; // public boolean isLast = false; public void setNext(Discount next, … Read more

How to enable the Java keyword assert in Eclipse program-wise?

How can I enable the assert keyword in Eclipse? [java]public class A { public static void main(String … args) { System.out.println(1); assert false; System.out.println(2); } }[/java] To be specific: Go to Run->run configuration select java application in left nav pan. right click and select New. select Arguments tab Add -ea in VM arguments.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to introspect Class

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: This error message means that the jar containing this class is not on the application classpath. Add spring-data-elasticsearch jar to it, and your error should be gone. if you are using maven, add the jar to the classpath this way : <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>spring-data-elasticsearch</artifactId> <version>3.2.5.RELEASE</version> </dependency> The version that you should … Read more